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Disney Reports Q3 Results; Fox and Walden Strike Deal


Disney has released its US third quarter earnings results, reporting a .53 per share dividend on $1.13 billion in net income. All business units reported increased revenues. As predicted here during the previous quarter (third item), Cars was a key factor in the growth of the studio entertainment division, and Pirates is expected to continue the trend through quarter 4.

Analysts are cautioning that the consumer products sector may not perform during quarter 4 as well as desired due to slower than anticipated sales of Pirates merchandise (ed note: That's what happens when you slap a pirate hat on a plush Marie toy from the 1970 animated feature The Aristocats and expect Pirates of the Caribbean fans to snap them up "because they're pirates." They don't.)

The report may be viewed at this link. (requires Acrobat Reader)

The Anschutz Film Group, better known to most as the parent organization of Walden Media (producers of The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe) and Bristol Bay Entertainment (producers of the 2004 Oscar®-winner Ray), has announced a surprising partnership with Fox Filmed Entertainment to capture a portion of the profitable family film business.

Many insiders assumed Disney and Anschutz would be a natural fit, since Walden and Disney are moving forward with Prince Caspian, the next installment in the Narnia franchise. Walden has several projects in process with various studios, including the upcoming The Water Horse with Sony, scheduled for an early December release.

David Weil, Anschutz Film Group's CEO, explained the decision this way: "Disney needed us less than other companies that are striving to get into that [family film] area. Fox recognized that their needs and our interests overlapped. It was a direction they were already pointing in."

Specific terms of the deal have not been disclosed.

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