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"A Bad Week To Be Disney"


Dead Man's Chest steamrolled the competition and broke records in its first several days of release. Shortly after its second high-grossing weekend, the studio announced a nearly 20% reduction in its work force, including some high-profile individuals such as Karen Glass, executive vice president of Buena Vista Motion Picture Group, and Disney Production President Nina Jacobson. Disney stock fell following the surprise announcement.

Last week, Matt Ouimet, President of the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, left the company to pursue opportunities with Starwood Resorts and was replaced by Ed Grier, President of the Tokyo Disneyland Resort. Ouimet, fans may recall, is credited with making major improvements to the Disneyland Resort, including maintenance that had been neglected as well as adding new attractions.

Late Thursday/early Friday, actor Mel Gibson was stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence in Malibu. According to reports, Gibson's blood alcohol level registered at 0.12%, well above the legal limit, and he unleashed a torrent of anti-Semitic remarks, some of which are documented in the police report. He also is accused of threatening a deputy.

Gibson's next film, Apocalypto, is scheduled to be released in December--by Disney. Click here for MSNBC's recent report on the incident and what it may mean for Gibson and Disney. Gibson, who apologized for the remarks, has reportedly checked in to a rehabilitation center.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting today that a Holocaust miniseries being developed by Gibson's production company and ABC Television, part of the Walt Disney Company, has been dropped.

Capping off a decidedly downbeat week, Dead Man's Chest lost its number one box office position to Miami Vice. A disappointment, to be sure, after winning the number one slot the previous three weekends...and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, the new title for GameBoy Advance and PSP gaming systems, is garnering less than favorable reviews.

Somewhere high up in the organization, someone is probably thinking, to paraphrase Lloyd Bridges in 1980's Airplane!, "We picked a bad week to be Disney."

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